Friday, April 25, 2014

Denver beats Arizona 2-1 after comeback scare

Denver Coliseum    Fri, Apr 18, 2014
The Arizona Sundogs tried to dig themselves out of a two-goal hole, but the Denver Cutthroats held on for a 2-1 victory.
Denver made the score 2-0 on a goal by AJ Gale at 5:13 in the second period, and Arizona got as close as 2-1 when Johan Ryd scored 2:08 into the third period.
The win gave the Cutthroats a 1-0 lead in the best of seven series.
Denver was led by goalie Kent Patterson, who finished with 28 saves while allowing one goal. Patterson certainly lowered his goals against average, which was 2.36 entering the contest.
The Cutthroats were sparked by Gale, who registered one goal.
Denver excelled on the penalty kill, not giving up a single goal in four chances. The Cutthroats' offense rang up 35 shots on the Sundogs' net.
Denver also got a goal from Jean-Philipp Chabot as well. In addition, Denver received assists from Troy Schwab, who had two and Robin Soudek and Garett Bembridge, who contributed one each.
Other players who recorded assists for Arizona were Tommy Maxwell and Alex Velischek, who each chipped in one.
Denver incurred 18 minutes in penalty time with nine minors. Andrew Engelage rejected 33 shots on goal for Arizona. The Sundogs incurred 22 minutes in penalty time with 11 minors.

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