Friday, April 11, 2014

Missouri uses early goal to top Arizona, 3-1

Tims Toyota Center    Fri, Apr 11, 2014
The Missouri Mavericks beat the Arizona Sundogs, 3-1, in a contest where the winning goal was scored in the first period but the game remained close throughout.
Missouri took over the lead for good with a goal by Andrew Courtney at 8:08 in the first period. A roughing penalty on Tommy Maxwell had put the Mavericks on the power play. Eric Castonguay provided the assist. With the win, Missouri evened the series at 2-2 in the best of seven showdown.
The Mavericks' Shane Owen was a brick wall in net, as he came up with 40 saves and let only one puck past him. Owen managed to improve on his goals against average, which stood at 2.77 prior to the game.
Missouri was led by Mike Ramsay, who registered one goal. Ramsay scored on the power play 9:16 into the second period to make the score 2-0 Missouri. The Mavericks had taken the advantage when Arizona's Alex Tuckerman got sent off for holding. Matt Stephenson assisted on the tally.
Missouri put up an impenetrable defensive front on the penalty kill, and did not allow the Sundogs to score on any of their four power plays.
Anders Franzon also scored for Missouri. In addition, Missouri received assists from Sebastien Thinel, who had two.
Arizona forced the Mavericks goalie Owen to work between the pipes, taking 41 shots.
The Sundogs were led by Matt McCready, who scored the team's only goal. McCready scored 18:02 into the third period to make the score 2-1 Missouri. Mike Forney provided the assist.
Missouri incurred 10 minutes in penalty time with five minors. Andrew Engelage recorded 24 saves for Arizona. The Sundogs incurred 12 minutes in penalty time with six minors.

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