Friday, April 11, 2014

Rapid City hangs on, beats Quad City 3-1

i-wireless Center    Fri, Apr 11, 2014
Rapid City took the lead against the Quad City Mallards in the first period and maintained it until the end of the game to secure a tight 3-1 victory.
Anthony Perdicaro provided Rapid City with the game-winning tally when he scored 7:37 into the first period. Rapid City had gotten the advantage when Quad City's Jeff Lee was sent off for kneeing. Jesse Schultz assisted on the tally. With the win, Rapid City evened the series at 2-2 in the best of seven showdown.
Rapid City was led by Eric Giosa, who racked up one goal. Giosa scored 16:27 into the first period to make the score 2-0 Rapid City. Bobby Preece picked up the assist.
Rapid City put up an impenetrable defensive front on the penalty kill, and did not allow the Mallards to score on any of their four power plays. Rapid City relied on a core group of players for most of its offense, as Konrad Reeder, Jared Brown and Giosa took 12 of the team's 23 shots.
More assists for Rapid City came via Riley Weselowski and Brett Kostolansky, who each chipped in one.
Quad City was led by Thomas Frazee, who scored the team's only goal. Frazee scored 9:11 into the second period to make the score 2-1 Rapid City. Vladimir Nikiforov assisted on the tally.
Wayne Savage rejected 24 shots on goal for Rapid City. Rapid City totaled 29 minutes in penalty time with seven minors and three majors and went 1-for-1 on the power play. Thomas Heemskerk recorded 20 saves for the Mallards. Quad City ended with 25 minutes in penalty time with five minors and three majors

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