Saturday, November 30, 2013

Rapid City downs Denver, 6-2

Rushmore Plaza Civic Arena     Sat, Nov 30, 2013
The Denver Cutthroats lost to Rapid City, 6-2.
Rapid City racked up the penalties in the contest, and ended with eight minors and two majors for 26 minutes in penalty time. Rapid City surpassed its season average of 18.0 penalty minutes per game. Rapid City bested its season scoring average. Rapid City averages 3.8 goals per game. Rapid City put 43 shots on net during the contest, more than the 28.4 it averages per game.
Rapid City was helped by Scott Brannon, who racked up one goal. Brannon scored 17:20 into the first period to make the score 1-0 Rapid City. Riley Weselowski provided the assist. Rapid City also got points from Scott Wray, who also registered one goal and one assist and Kyle Stroh, who also had one goal and one assist. Rapid City also had goals scored by Jesse Schultz, Justin Faryna, and Matthew Larke, who each put in one. More assists for Rapid City came via Sean Erickson, who had three, Konrad Reeder and Justin Sawyer, who each chipped in one, and Eric Giosa and Tristin Llewellyn, who contributed two a piece.
Denver was often in penalty trouble, totaling 10 minors and two majors for 30 minutes in penalty time. The total exceeded the 18.0 minutes per game the Cutthroats had been spending in the box. The 34 shots that Denver put on net surpassed the Cutthroats' average of 27.2 shots per game this season.
Denver was led by TJ Fox, who registered one goal and one assist. Fox scored 13:57 into the second period to make the score 3-1 Rapid City. Michael Schumacher assisted on the tally. Denver also got a goal from Jean-Philipp Chabot as well. In addition, Denver received assists from Lee Moffie and Vincent Arseneau, who each chipped in one.
Tim Boron recorded 32 saves for Rapid City. Rapid City registered two goals on six power play opportunities. Kieran Millan made 37 saves for the Cutthroats on 43 shots. Denver registered one goal on four power play opportunities.

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